Thursday, 31 May 2012

What a load of old crock[ery]

I'd really really really love to be able to introduce you to my third baby, Lady Blue Camperoo. That post is going to have to wait for a plethora of mechanical reasons. In short: I purchased a 1986 VW T25 camper van about six weeks ago. She never made it home because the man I bought her from told more than a few porky pies about her condition. I learn by experience, this is one of them. Anyhoo, Lady Blue has spent the past six weeks at my local garage being repaired. 


My lovely friend (well, godsister - known her all of my life, my mum is her godmother and my mum is her godmother) Louisa over on has also bought a VW T25. We are planning adventures together...obvs (!) She recently bought some beautiful vintage melamine dinnerware for her camping experiences. This made me realise that holy pants! We have nothing to eat from/out of when adventuring in Lady Blue! (See Lou, it works both ways!)

With several adventures planned this summer, the first of which is now less than two weeks away eeeeeek/squeeee!, I set out to rectify this instantly...well...about a week later...and...lo a behold eBay saved it usually does when I'm in a tight spot.

I found theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese:

Aren't they purty?

Then I remembered my child is more than slightly addicted to sultana bran and so got to thinking about bowls. A few searches later and these found their way into my basket:


All vintage and bee-u-tiful!

Matty (my lovely boyfriend and namer of this post) talks of mismatched cutlery at his house that we can use too *swoon* Well, I say mismatched, he says "it's just cutlery to me". Pah.

Right, that's enough of my salivating over inanimate objects!

See ya!

Two peas in a pod

I can post this now because I know she's got it!

Last month one of my dear school friends gave birth to two beautiful baby boys. Her first son was due on the same day as Isaac, but he came a whole month early and Isaac (in true Isaac style) came when he was good and ready. Neither of her pregnancies have been straightforward and I fully admire her strength and patience; I don't know how I'd handle being made to lie down for a month! But she did and there are three little people here as a result of her determination.

Here it is after a frighteningly expensive trip to the framers!

It's the second piece of embroidery I've done recently, more on the other one another time. I enjoy doing it, but never seem to keep anything I make! This is because I only seem to be motivated to make things for other people. Hmm. 

It's the first time I've used long and short stitch for shading, usually favouring satin stitch, but I wanted to try colour grading. I think it turned out quite well [for a first attempt].

That's all I have to say about it really. I hope she likes it!

P.S.: Postage to Germany is not cheap. And glass is not insured. BOO!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Nursery niggling

Isaac doesn't like being left by me anymore. I know I know, who likes being left, right? But. he used to love going to nursery and would quite happily run in to play without so much as a second glance back to Mummy for a kiss or wave goodbye. 

I think I messed up. 

When we got back from our holiday, after two weeks of not being at nursery, he stayed at his Daddy's house over night and was then taken to nursery the next morning by him. He was due to go back to Daddy's house that night so I figured it would be better if (rather than me picking him up and taking him down to Daddy's that evening) he was at nursery all day and if Daddy picked him up that night. I have a horrible feeling I was wrong and this has made him scream when I leave him there and when I also put him in bed for his day time nap.

I could be entirely wrong and it's just a phase. Who knows. Doesn't stop me beating myself up about it. As my friend says parenting decisions are, for her, are all about how much guilt she feels and boy do I feel it now.

He's fine the rest of the time, look see! He really is!

I didn't put the collar on him by the way, he desperately wanted to try it on. And the bra? Well, look how pleased he is that he did it "all by myself". HIS WORDS!!

I really wanted to take him out of nursery this morning; he only goes two mornings a week! That coupled with the biting incident of last week - aiy! However, the nursery lady says he's always fine the instant I'm gone and that he's happy for the rest of the day, he even eats his dinner now! He's always pleased to see me and we have a massive cuddle and he tells me he missed me. 


On we go, testing the waters of the parenting unknown.

No one said it was going to be easy...

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Chompy children

My little sausage was bitten by another child at nursery today. I didn't really know how to react when I was told by his key-worker because my ex-husband's youngest was a biter so I can appreciate both side of the coin. Anyhoo, I think it looks pretty savage. Poor Pisaac :-(

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Post-op pooch

Following my suspicions that Rinny wasn't her usual poochy self, last Friday I booked an appointment with the vet to check our little dog over and make sure she was ok. The appointment was at 6.50pm. By 7.20pm she had been admitted for iv fluids, a scan of her abdomen and a possible emergency spaying. Anyone who has a dog that they love as a member of their family will know how I felt when I left her there that evening.

Transpires she had a pyometra which is an infection of the reproductive system. Hers was the closed type (apparently a lot worse than the open kind as her uterus could rupture and have all sorts of horrible complications and can even be fatal). The vet phoned at 10.30pm to say the operation had been successful and then again the next day to tell us she was recovering well and could come home. We picked her up at 5.30pm on Saturday. She was obviously feeling uncomfortable, but was remarkably happy considering her  terrible ordeal. I've never been so pleased to see her!

The whole thing was over so quickly that I haven't really thought about it until now. I'm so incredibly glad I booked the appointment and that it was in time. She shivers because Isaac is quite loud and she doesn't like much it, but she was doing it even when he'd gone to bed and also when he was at nursery. Her breathing was also laboured. Google told me these things can mean a dog is in pain. Her abdomen was also rock hard while she shivering and she was getting though about 3 bowls of water a day which is unlike her. I feel so guilty that I didn't spot it earlier, but I can't change anything and she's better now.

The night she wasn't here was horribly and eerily quiet, we even had some space on the sofa! She's such a huge part of our lives and I'm eternally grateful to the veterinarians and veterinary nurses who looked after her while she was in there care. I'm also rather pleased I have insurance for her as £803 isn't really something I can budget around! She's completely worth it though, the happiness she brings us and the things we've been through in the five and a half years since I've been her pack leader. She's my furry baby and I love her to pieces.

She does like to sleep though. A lot! In-fact she sleeps more than any other dog I know, see exhibit A:

She does a lot of other stuff too, like woofing and playing and sniffing and running and chasing and guarding and licking and stretching and sofa hogging. I wouldn't have her any other way though. She's ace and the furry heart of our little family. I'm very glad to have her home, wombless or otherwise.

Monday, 21 May 2012


Goofing around is second nature to my son, especially with stuff that cost lots of money! He's cute I usually cave. Result = see below!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Hello! Hi! Bonjour! Hola! Hallo! Olá! 您好!Γεια σας! Dia duit! Helo!

Hello! And welcome to our new online home!

There isn't much here yet, but believe me, it's taken long enough and a few html tutorials to get it just how I want it! 

I've got a few post ideas up my sleeve and I'm looking forward to being able to introduce Lady Blue Camperoo...whenever she comes home...which has to be before 8th June because I need to drive her to parts southern... We've also got a busy summer full of exciting things which we're definitely going to want to tell you about.

Anyhoo, just dropping by to say hi, welcome and we'll see you really soon!

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