I'd really really really love to be able to introduce you to my third baby, Lady Blue Camperoo. That post is going to have to wait for a plethora of mechanical reasons. In short: I purchased a 1986 VW T25 camper van about six weeks ago. She never made it home because the man I bought her from told more than a few porky pies about her condition. I learn by experience, this is one of them. Anyhoo, Lady Blue has spent the past six weeks at my local garage being repaired.
My lovely friend (well, godsister - known her all of my life, my mum is her godmother and my mum is her godmother) Louisa over on onegirlandacampervan.com has also bought a VW T25. We are planning adventures together...obvs (!) She recently bought some beautiful vintage melamine dinnerware for her camping experiences. This made me realise that holy pants! We have nothing to eat from/out of when adventuring in Lady Blue! (See Lou, it works both ways!)
With several adventures planned this summer, the first of which is now less than two weeks away eeeeeek/squeeee!, I set out to rectify this instantly...well...about a week later...and...lo a behold eBay saved me...as it usually does when I'm in a tight spot.
I found theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese:
Aren't they purty?
Then I remembered my child is more than slightly addicted to sultana bran and so got to thinking about bowls. A few searches later and these found their way into my basket:
All vintage and bee-u-tiful!
Matty (my lovely boyfriend and namer of this post) talks of mismatched cutlery at his house that we can use too *swoon* Well, I say mismatched, he says "it's just cutlery to me". Pah.
Right, that's enough of my salivating over inanimate objects!
See ya!