Monday, 4 June 2012

A birthday "card"

In April this year my very dear friend Lou turned 30. At the time I had been in somewhat of a creative slump and decided it was high time I dusted off various crafty related tools. I've known her all of my life and didn't think a store bought card would suffice to represent the value I place on our friendship, no matter how many soppy verses it might contain. That only left the option of making one so I set about scouring the web for inspiration; I found myself perusing a page I bookmarked a looooong time ago: Sublime Stitching. I LOVE this site, the designs are gorgeous, not twee in the slightest and (most importantly) within my embroidery skill level! Anyhoo, I happened upon the book (which I have since purchased) and fell in love with the cover design. I'm not so hot at conjuring up my own designs and have no qualms borrowing, as long as credit is given...I don't make any profit from it either before anyone gets upset.  I made a few tweaks to the original to make it fit with the birthday affair et voila! 

Now, I know what you're thinking: that's not a card Sarah. You're absolutely right. It's not. I finished the embroidery and then started to panic about how I was going to make it into a card. Framing seemed a little excessive and I couldn't see how to turn it into an actual card without making a hash of it. It was suggested to me by a friend that perhaps turning it into a cushion might be a good idea and also offered some fabric that went with the theme. The same wonderful lady also showed me how to make the world's easiest cushion cover! It's amazing what happens when you verbalise panic - kudos Bec!

So there we have it, a 30th birthday "card" for my friend of old; here's to the next thirty years of being friends!


  1. You are very talented and a wonderful friend...but when are gonna crack on with my hat?! :-*

    1. Ah yes zee 'at! After the blanket and dragonet? I don't think we're really approaching hat weather just yet are we?


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